
Hello , i hope you are very well. so if you want to write for this blog , then you write definitely and share your knowledge to many people through this blog . and your profile also feature on your blog post. if you write for this blog then this blog give you a do follow backlink , Means if you write a powerful post for this blog then 90 % traffic drive to your website or facebook page. there are no limitation on content Category . you write a post on any category without health blog.
Requirement for publishing post
  • The content is 100% plagiarism free. and do not copy to other websites.
  • if you write a article on which keyword there are no any search volume , then did not accept.
  • The content minimum 500 words. if your content is 1000+ word then you get 2 do follow backlink.
  • Minimum 2 heading required for publish your post on this blog .
  • if you have a post then send me on .pdf or .docx file format . after checking your content ,it publish on after 5 day.
  • Send a copyright free images with your blog post.
  • The blog author have full rights(अधिकार ) to update or modify your blog post.
  • you can write article on computer, programming, internet, make money online, laptops, gadget, games, or any trending topic . but this blog do not accept any health related post.
  • You can write Article on hindi or english language there is no any boundation.
if you have some query related to publishing post, then you ask through blogger contact form or you ask on Contact us page.
i hope you understand what is require ment to publish a blog post of this website.